Thursday, July 17, 2014

Voices from the Firing Line: A Personal Account of the Pittsburgh Civil Rights Movement

Dr. Ralph Proctor Ph.D
Pittsburgh Civil Rights activist and Professor, Dr. Ralph Proctor, released his book, Voices from the Firing Line: A Personal Account of the Pittsburgh Civil Rights Movement, earlier this year. In describing his motivation for writing the book, Dr. Proctor states, "There was little valid documentation of the movement, and what was written, was authored by people who were not part of the movement... So here it is: a personal history of the movement, written by a historian who was there, told by the participants themselves." 

I first met Dr. Proctor a few years ago, when I took his “History of the Pittsburgh Civil Rights Movement” class at the Community College of Allegheny County. It was a wonderful experience. Having been raised in the South and hearing the personal stories and accounts of events from my grandfather (who was a Civil Rights Activist in South Carolina), I was very familiar with what transpired there. 

Dr. Proctor's work forces us to move beyond the more notable stories of the Civil Rights Movement, such as the battles Dr. King led in Montgomery, Birmingham and Selma, Alabama to look at the struggles that were taking place in Northern Industrial cities such as Pittsburgh. 

His analysis and account, along with the personal stories of those activists who were fighting the struggles on the ground, is remarkable. He clearly illustrates the de facto segregation that had been in place in Pittsburgh and other Northern Cities. I encourage anyone who appreciates the Civil Rights Movement to take a look at this remarkable account of history. 

For more information on Dr. Proctor:

Proctor seeks former interviewees

CCAC Professors latest book shares personal reflections on Pittsburgh's Civil Rights Movement

Black History Month African Arts and Culture

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