Monday, September 23, 2013

Brother Outsider Screening and Discussion at the Monroeville United Methodist Church

Bayard Rustin
On Wednesday, September 18, I had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a discussion at the Monroeville United Methodist Church, on the life and legacy of Civil Rights Leader Bayard Rustin. Pastor Tom Barnicott, the organizer of the the screening of, 'Brother Outsider: the Life of Bayard Rustin,' said that the event, "was to follow up to the recent celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom," of which Rustin served as chief organizer. 

During my remarks, I emphasized the longstanding relationship that Rustin had with Civil Rights and Labor leader A. Philip Randolph. This relationship dated back to the 1940's, when they worked together on the first March on Washington, called the March on Washington Movement, pressuring President Franklin Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 8802 which barred racial discrimination in defense industry contracts and the federal government.

In addition to his work with Randolph, we also discussed his checkered working relationship with Dr. Martin Luther King. We examined his role in the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and the creation of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference-SCLC. This allowed us to focus on his keen skills as an organizer and his dedication to the principles of non violence.Wrapping up the evening we talked about Rustin's sexuality and how he carried himself as an out and open homosexual. 

I extend my heartfelt thanks to Pastor Barnicott for the invitation and for allowing me the opportunity to participate in this wonderful experience with his church and the greater Monroeville community. I look forward to working with him in the very near future.

                                                            Trailer to Brother Outsider

Learn more about Bayard Rustin and the Brother Outsider film at Bayard Rustin

Learn more about the Monroeville United Methodist Church at Monroeville United Methodist Church

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